
Ramsey Notes

This site’s goal is providing information on Ramsey, NJ, particularly municipal government and key current issues, with links to relevant websites and information.

The Ramsey administration clearly posts little information about borough business…No pictures of poolhouse, or now, bocce court construction on Borough website!

RamseyNotes podcast – Episode 4 at bit.ly/3vRN6Zi.  New info on Ramsey website that NJ requires, and comment on election.  Subscribe on Apple Podcasts


Current major issues include:

    • Remote Meetings – information at the end on dial-in problems
    • Videos of Mayor & Council meetings
      • “Reel Ramsey” on Youtube is posting meeting videos. Or go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQiPvBNTcW8&t=391s
      • Subscribeyou’ll get notice of next postings!
    • Video & ordinances
      • Ramsey’s newest video ordinance
      • keeping December letter secret
    •         Pool Project – on time or underwater?
    •        Bocce courts next to pool, drainage pond
    •        Borough Report on Video
    • Ramsey meeting video is posted. Click here
    • Editorial posted on youtube/ Click here.
      •         Information for the public vs lack of openness and transparency
  • Community / Senior Center – see Pool Project